
Hi there👋! I’m Jiawei (or Kyle), a master student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My research interests lie in the intersection of Robot Manipulation, Reinforcement Learning, and Computer Vision. I am currently working with Prof. Kim Joohyung. Previously, I received my Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Wuhan University.


  • Learning Tone: Towards Xylophone Mastering (Accepted to Humanoids 2024)


  • Dual Arm Manipulation with RL and Point Cloud

    Trained a dual arm robot to manipulate several objects with reinforcement learning, while taking segmented point cloud as input. code

  • CNN Implementation in CUDA

    CUDA Logo

    Implemented highly parallelized CNN and typical parallel algorithms with CUDA. Achieved top 15% result in the class. code



  • M.Eng in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023-2024
  • B.Eng in Computer Science, Wuhan University, 2019-2023
  • Shijiazhuang Foreign Language Education Group, 2013-2019


Life Beyond Campus

  • I’m enjoying painting Painting Image
    My work to satirize the unrestrained overtime culture and restricted freedom in China (inspired by Picasso’s Guernica).
    , pop music, and NBA.
  • I’m a multilingual learner. I can speak Mandarin(native), English(proficient), and Japanese(fluent, I passed JLPT N1 in my high school).